November 2020:

Dear Savvy Derm Diva,
I need your help! Winter is approaching, and my hands and cuticles get super dry. Do you have any tips for me to help prevent splitting and cracking?
Approaching Seasonal Dryness, Heidi S.
Dear Approaching Seasonal Dryness,
The best tip is to protect your hands from the cold and dry elements. When the atmosphere becomes dry, the air starts pulling moisture from anything it can find, and your skin is a prime target. Not only do I advise to moisturize at least twice a day, but placing petroleum jelly such as Aquaphor over the moisturizer, especially in increased areas prone to dryness such as cuticles, lips, eyelids, elbows, and feet. Don’t forget to wear your gloves!!
Diva Tip: Aquaphor has an amazing spray-on formulation. But for best results, always apply it after you moisturize. A fave is Eucerin Advanced Repair cream. Find Aquaphor and hand moisturizer faves at my Amazon Store.*💋
Dear Savvy Derm Diva,
Do you have any simple tips for facial washing? There is so much information, but I don’t know what the solid foundational face washing techniques are.
Needing face washing 101, Ted R
Dear Needing face washing 101,
Face washing doesn’t have to be difficult, and for simplicity, you should follow these instructions: Always use a gentle cleanser that is non-abrasive and doesn’t contain alcohol. Using abrasive products or over scrubbing actually leads to more skin irritation. Make sure you limit washing your face to two times a day (morning and night) and after sweating if needed. Using lukewarm water and patting your skin dry with a soft cotton towel is key. Lastly, no matter what your skin type, always apply a moisturizer after you wash your face. If you need guidance on what you should and shouldn't be using, you should make an appointment to be seen. You can see me virtually or in the office.
Diva Tip: For the best product guidance for your skin type, you should always visit a board-certified dermatologist.
Renata Block, MMS, PA-C, is the creator of Savvy Derm Diva, an online resource for proper skincare. Ask Savvy Derm Diva is a monthly column answering your skincare related concerns! Make sure you follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! You can make an appointment with her via TeleMedicine or in person at Advanced Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine, LLC, or TEXT to 847-802-9667.
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