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Nutraceuticals, will they really help my skin?

Writer's picture: Savvy Derm DivaSavvy Derm Diva

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

I finally jumped in and started taking a nutraceutical! I have been using BUBS Naturals collagen protein and MCT oil powder for the past few months. I feel the same, look the same so, how can one know it is working? Unfortunately, there is only one accurate way to measure, which I will discuss later on. But people usually make observations or use “their way” to measure. Let’s start with measurements, which are what you observe. However, keep in mind this may even be a placebo effect of “feeling better,” or perhaps you are noting your skin has a new healthy glow, healing faster, all the result of increased hydration and skin elasticity that collagen supplementation can provide.

The products are safe, and there are no known side effects reported to date. However, there are limited studies for over-the-counter (OTC) collagen supplements; this goes along with limited government regulations on the quantity and quality of ingredients. What is one to do? Well, the first is knowing WHAT to take!

I am here to break down the type of collagen supplements out there and critical ingredients you should be looking for when purchasing one First, a little background info. You are all familiar with gelatin, yes? The heat used to denature collagen forms gelatin. Well, more specifically, it is derived from collagen, and we have been using as a food source and even in traditional medications. Love those gummy bears, jello? Who doesn’t? These gelatin sweets are from additional enzymatic hydrolysis of gelatin known as CH, or collagen Hydrolysates, VOILA, a nutraceutical is born (i.e., Collagen Supplement). "CH" is precisely what BUBS Naturals is. Wait, collagen proteins can go even further with CP (collagen Tripeptide) and DP (collagen dipeptides) that are also available on the market but limited and probably more expensive so that we will stick to the basics.

BUBS "CH" is from hydrolyzed grass-fed and pasture-raised peptides. However, I do want to mention BUBS Naturals also has a plant-based, non-dairy, non-GMO version made from 100% virgin coconut oil, also known as MCT or Medium-Chain Triglyceride Oil. MCT makes a animal friendly alternative to choose from.

There was a recent study performed of over 800 people taking the three various forms discussed above of OTC collagen available, with most being the CH “bioactive collagen peptides.” Average study duration was a little over two months (69 days). In one of the subgroups, volunteers had a biopsy of the skin taken before the intake of CH and again three months later. The majority found that there was an increased improvement in elasticity and wound healing in the people who took the supplements vs. the ones who did not. Physical observations were also noted, such as a reduction in eye wrinkles, increased skin moisture, and elasticity. But do your homework before you start. It is essential to know the purity of the active ingredients before moving forward with a collagen supplement. Also, beware of any unlisted components with the supplement brand. Treatment expectations, well this can, unfortunately, vary per person in regards to skin aging and wound healing.

So, let’s give you the skinny on collagen:

-75% of skin’s “dry weight” is collagen

-Denatured collagen forms gelatin

-Additional enzymatic Hydrolysis of gelatin forms collagen supplements

-They are known to improve the elasticity of the skin and help speed up wound healing

-There is limited FDA regulations on OTC collagen supplements but are deemed safe

The ONLY physical proof there is a difference in your skin is by taking a biopsy, but observations of increased moisture, elasticity, and fewer wrinkles will be enough for me. For now, I am going to keep up my daily BUBS Naturals intake.

Be Skin Savvy! MUAH!💋


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