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Diva Chronicles

Derm Savvy Blog! your source for proper skin care to Be Skin Savvy!

Derm Detective

A Closer look! Derm Detective is a column that investigates products, ingredients, and new innovations in skin care. 

GiGi Approved

Welcome to GiGi's world! A cruelty-Free Product option! Start shopping with your heart and look at for “GiGi Approved” products below with links to their sites!  Together we can make a difference.

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Professional Medical Societies Important is that Membership?

Writer's picture: Savvy Derm DivaSavvy Derm Diva

Are you a committed health care practitioner who loves serving the public? Of course, you are! You didn’t spend a large part of your life, pursuing an advanced provider degree if you were not. That being said, it is important to remember that dedication to your career extends far beyond your education and daily practice. While it can be simple to settle into your routine, forgetting about the bigger picture, it is imperative to contemplate a few thoughts. How can one truly make a difference and actively work to improve the landscape of their profession?

Read more about it here.

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