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Diva Chronicles

Derm Savvy Blog! your source for proper skin care to Be Skin Savvy!

Derm Detective

A Closer look! Derm Detective is a column that investigates products, ingredients, and new innovations in skin care. 

GiGi Approved

Welcome to GiGi's world! A cruelty-Free Product option! Start shopping with your heart and look at for “GiGi Approved” products below with links to their sites!  Together we can make a difference.

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Stem Cells in Skin Care: Do Stem Cells Repair Your Skin?

By Renata Block, MMS, PA-C

A look at the current research on plant-derived stem cell extracts and their potential role in cosmeceutical and skin care products.

Diva Tip: Currently, Plant "Stem Cells" are providing more antioxidant properties.

Renata Block is the creator of Savvy Derm Diva, an online resource for proper skin care. GiGi Approved is a monthly column discussing cruelty-free skincare options! Make sure you follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! Need a dermatology consult? Please visit Advanced Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine, LLC or Call/Text 847-802-9667 for a TeleDerm appointment. MUAH!💋

1 Comment

Jul 26, 2021

Please share ideas on how to treat DSAP. Suggested creams do not work.

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